As we enter 2024, the internet continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with websites and online presence becoming increasingly important for both individuals and businesses. From website traffic to mobile usage, it’s crucial to stay up to date on the latest trends and statistics in the online world.

In this article, we’ve researched and compiled the top website statistics for 2024 to give you a clear picture of what’s happening in the industry and what you can expect in the coming year. Whether you’re a web developer, digital marketer or simply interested in online trends, this article will provide valuable insights and a glimpse into the future of the internet.

1. There are about 1.09 billion websites on the internet in 2024

In 2024, the digital universe houses about 1.09 billion websites. Every day sees the creation of 252,000 new sites, adding to the diverse and ever-growing online world. Among these, 192,888,216 sites are active, serving as essential nodes in the vast web of global connectivity and information exchange.[1] This growth and activity illustrate the relentless evolution and expansion of the internet.

2. A new website is built every three seconds

Assuming you read 300 words per minute (WPM), by the time you finish reading this article, 200 websites have been created.[1]

3. 71% of businesses have a website in 2023

Seventy-one percent of businesses now have a website in 2023.[2] This is an increase from previous years, and can largely be attributed to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the shift to online commerce and remote work, companies have realized the importance of having an online presence in order to reach a wider audience and remain competitive in today’s digital landscape. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of businesses establishing a web presence, and it is likely that this trend will continue into the future. Code-free website builders have also made it easier than ever for businesses to establish an online presence.

4. 29% of business is conducted online

According to recent statistics, 28% of all business activity is now conducted online.[3]This shift to online commerce reflects the increasing importance of the internet in today’s business world, and the growing trend of e-commerce. The ease and convenience of online transactions have made it a popular choice among consumers, and businesses are taking advantage of this shift by expanding their online presence.

5. 43% of small businesses plan to invest in their website performance

According to recent research, 43% of small businesses are planning to invest in the performance of their website in 2023.[2]This trend underlines the growing importance of having an effective online presence for businesses of all sizes. With consumers increasingly relying on the internet to make purchasing decisions, having a well-designed and optimized website is critical for a business’s success in today’s digital landscape. These small businesses understand the potential for growth and success through a strong online presence, making website performance a top priority for their growth plans.

6. 21% of business owners report low website traffic issues with their website

Twenty-one percent of business owners face low website traffic[2], which poses a significant challenge for their online presence. This can impact their ability to attract and retain customers, as well as their revenue and overall success. In today’s digital age, having a well-performing website is crucial for businesses, and addressing this issue is essential for success in the competitive online landscape.

7. The average click-through rate is 6.64% across all industries

The average click-through rate (CTR) across all industries is 6.64%[4]. This metric is a direct indicator of the effectiveness of online advertisements, measuring the percentage of viewers who are intrigued enough by an ad to engage with it through a click. The 6.64% figure represents the success of these ads in capturing audience interest and motivating them to learn more, serving as an essential measure for businesses to evaluate the impact of their digital marketing strategies.

8. Users form an opinion about a website in 0.05 seconds

The time it takes for users to form an opinion about a website is incredibly brief—just 0.05 seconds.[6] This means that first impressions matter a great deal and websites need to be designed to make a strong impact in a very short amount of time. A well-designed website that is easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience can go a long way in retaining visitors and potentially converting them into customers.

Website Traffic Statistics

9. A staggering 92% of global traffic comes from Google

With Google accounting for 91.54% of global online traffic, its impact on digital strategies is undeniable.[6] This dominance suggests that a strong presence on Google can significantly influence online success. For businesses, this means focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Ads is less an option, more a necessity. Google, in essence, is the gatekeeper of digital traffic; being visible in its search results can direct a significant stream of this traffic towards a business. This scenario not only accentuates the importance of aligning with Google’s algorithms but also of diversifying digital footprints across other platforms. For users, Google’s preeminence in directing their online searches necessitates a varied, balanced digital experience, seeking information from multiple sources to maintain a well-rounded perspective.

10. Google is the most visited website with 85.1 billion visitors

Google holds a strong position as the most visited website, with an impressive 85.1 billion visitors.[7] This high traffic demonstrates the popularity and reliance on Google’s services, such as search, email and online advertising, among internet users. For businesses, it underlines the importance of having a strong online presence through Google to reach a wide audience.

11. YouTube is the second most visited site with over 33 billion visitors

With over 33 billion visitors, YouTube takes the second spot as the most visited website.[7] Its vast library of user-generated content and its popularity as a video-sharing platform make it a valuable resource for individuals and businesses alike. Having a strong presence on the site can help increase brand awareness, drive traffic and reach a wider audience.

12. In North America, 45% of web traffic comes from mobile devices

Forty-five percent of web traffic in North America comes from mobile devices.[8] This figure points to a growing preference for smartphones and tablets as primary internet access points. Businesses are responding by adapting their websites for mobile use. This involves creating responsive designs and interfaces that are easy to navigate on smaller screens. For users, this shift means a more frequent and varied interaction with the web via mobile devices, signifying the increasing importance of mobile optimization in their daily online experiences.

This trend has led to an increased focus on mobile optimization for businesses, as users expect a seamless experience regardless of their device. Making sure a website is optimized for mobile is crucial for companies looking to engage with their target audience in North America.

13. The average conversion rate for e-commerce websites is between 1.84% and 3.71%

E-commerce websites see an average conversion rate ranging from 1.84% to 3.71%.[9] This metric, which measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, is a vital indicator of e-commerce effectiveness. In a broader view, the average conversion rate across various industries hovers around 2.5%.[9] This data sheds light on the efficiency of websites in turning visitors into customers. It also points to the necessity for continuous optimization strategies in e-commerce, such as improving user experience, refining marketing approaches and personalizing customer interactions. These steps are essential for e-commerce sites aiming to capture and exceed the average, turning browsing into buying. For consumers, this means encountering websites that are increasingly tailored to their preferences and shopping habits.

Website User Experience Statistics

14. 47% of users won’t wait longer than two seconds for a website to load

A website’s loading speed has a significant impact on user experience and satisfaction. According to recent data, nearly half of users won’t wait longer than two seconds for a website to load.[10] This puts pressure on website owners to ensure their pages load quickly, or risk losing potential visitors. With the increasing usage of mobile devices, fast load speeds are becoming increasingly important as well.

15. 40% of users will leave a site if take more than three seconds to load

Forty percent of internet users have reported abandoning a website if it takes more than three seconds to load.[11] This shows that website loading speed is a crucial factor for user engagement and satisfaction. A slow website can lead to frustration and loss of potential customers. It’s important for businesses to prioritize website performance to ensure they are providing a positive user experience.

16. Websites that load slowly cost retailers $2.6 billion U.S. dollars in sales each year

A slow-loading website can have a significant impact on a retailer’s bottom line. It’s estimated that such websites cost retailers a total of $2.6 billion in lost sales annually.[12] This underscores the importance of ensuring a website is optimized for speed and performance to prevent lost revenue.

17. Website users spend an average of 5.59 seconds looking at written content on a site

On average, website users dedicate 5.59 seconds to reading written content on a site.[13] This is an important factor to consider for businesses looking to engage their audience and effectively communicate their message. The amount of time spent on a site’s written content can impact the overall user experience and the success of a business’s online presence.

18. Website users spend an average of 6.44 seconds focused on the main navigation menu

On average, website users spend about 6.44 seconds looking at the main navigation menu on a site.[13] This reflects the importance of having a clear and easily accessible navigation menu for a positive user experience. A well-designed navigation menu can help users quickly find what they are looking for, improving the overall efficiency of the site.

19. The average time spent on a page is 54 seconds

The average time spent by a website visitor on a single page is 54 seconds.[14] This duration is an important consideration for businesses and website owners looking to engage their target audience and keep them on their site for longer. Understanding the amount of time spent on-page can help inform website design, content creation and other strategies aimed at improving the user experience.

20. Including videos on a website can increase time spent on page by 88%

Having videos on a website can significantly increase the time users spend on the site. This has been shown to result in an 88% increase in the average time spent on page.[25] Adding videos to a website can provide an engaging and interactive experience for users, encouraging them to spend more time exploring the site and its content.

21. The average time spent on pages with video is six minutes

An average of six minutes is spent on pages that feature videos.[15] Videos have the potential to captivate an audience and keep them engaged on a website longer. By incorporating this multimedia aspect, websites provide a more immersive experience for their users.

22. 88% of online users won’t return to a site after a bad experience

Nearly nine out of 10 online users won’t revisit a website if they have a negative experience on it.[10] This shows the importance of providing a smooth and user-friendly website for users, as a bad experience could result in lost opportunities for engagement and repeat visits.

23. The average bounce rate is between 41% and 55%

The bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who leave the site after visiting only one page. An average bounce rate falls between 41% and 55%,[16] meaning that a significant number of visitors are not engaging with the website beyond the first page. This could indicate a lack of relevant or engaging content, difficulty in navigation or other factors that detract from the user experience.

24. 61% say that if they don’t find what they’re looking for within about five seconds, they’ll go to another site

Sixty-one percent of website users expect to find what they are looking for within five seconds of landing on a website.[17] If their search for the desired information or product is unsuccessful, they will move on to a different site. This places a high emphasis on the importance of website usability and the need to provide a clear and easy-to-use platform for users.

Mobile Website Traffic Statistics

25. As of Q4 2023, 54% percent of all web traffic came through mobile phones

As of Q4 2023, 54% of all web traffic was accessed through mobile phones.[8] This significant majority signifies a shift in user preferences toward mobile browsing. It impacts how websites are designed, prioritizing mobile-friendly layouts and fast loading times for smaller screens. This trend affects businesses’ online strategies, as they must ensure their digital presence caters effectively to mobile users. For the consumer, it means a more mobile-centric browsing experience, with ease of access and convenience playing key roles in their online activities. This trend also points to the importance of mobile optimization in SEO strategies, as higher mobile traffic can influence search engine rankings.

26. 74% of online users will return to a website that is mobile-friendly

Seventy-four percent of online users are likely to revisit a website if it has a mobile-friendly design,[19] making it crucial for websites to optimize their designs for mobile devices to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. This underscores the growing importance of having a mobile-friendly website as more and more people access the internet on their mobile devices.

27. 73% of users report that they’ve experienced a mobile website that was too slow to load

Seventy-three percent of online users have encountered a mobile website that loaded too slowly.[11] This emphasizes the need for fast-loading and responsive mobile websites to provide a positive user experience.

28. Mobile website users expect a website to load in under three seconds

Users expect a quick loading time when accessing a mobile website, with many citing less than three seconds as their threshold for an acceptable load time.[11] A slow-loading website can lead to frustration and a negative user experience, potentially causing users to abandon the site altogether. It’s important for businesses to prioritize the speed and efficiency of their mobile website to meet user expectations and provide a positive experience.

Web Design Statistics

29. Seven out of 10 small business websites don’t include a call to action

Seventy percent of small business websites lack a call to action, which can impact their ability to convert website visitors into customers.[20] A call to action is an important element in a website’s design, as it prompts users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Without a clear call to action, website visitors may leave the site without taking any desired action.

30. Users are 67% more likely to make a purchase if the website is mobile-friendly

At 67%, most users are more likely to make a purchase on a mobile-friendly website.[21] This shows the importance of having a mobile-friendly website for businesses to improve the likelihood of converting potential customers.

31. Website users spend 57% of their time above the fold

Website users tend to concentrate the majority of their attention on the upper half of a website’s landing page, known as “above the fold.” It’s estimated that about 57% of their time is spent in this area. A whopping 74% of view time is spent in the first two “screenfuls.”[22]

32. Half of internet users say that they use website design as a factor to formulate their opinion on a business.

Half of internet users consider a website’s design when forming an opinion about a business.[6] It’s important for websites to have a well-designed layout, with elements such as easy navigation, attractive visuals and clear calls to action to make a positive impact on potential customers.

33. 57% of users won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website

Fifty-seven percent of users are less likely to recommend a business if they have an unsatisfactory experience with their website,[10] which includes a poorly designed one. A website’s design can impact the user’s perception of the company and influence their decision to recommend it to others.

34. 38% of users won’t engage with a website if its layout is unattractive

A significant portion of website users, approximately four out of 10, may be deterred from engaging with a website if its layout is visually unappealing.[23] Good website design can play a crucial role in user experience and potentially drive more engagement. A good web design is visually appealing, user-friendly and easy to navigate, with clear calls to action and well-placed, high-quality visuals.

35. The average cost of designing a basic website is $3,200

Reports indicate that the average cost of creating a basic website is $3,200.[5] This expense covers design, development and content creation, essential for a professional online presence. For smaller enterprises, this signifies a need for thoughtful investment in digital platforms. A website, more than just an online location, acts as a primary point of engagement with potential customers, reinforcing its significance in business strategy and effectiveness in visitor engagement.

36. It takes three months on average to design a website with basic features

On average, the process of designing a website with basic features takes about three months.[17] This period covers multiple phases, including conceptualization, design, content development and testing. The time frame reflects the meticulous process of ensuring that the website is both visually appealing and functionally sound. For businesses, this indicates the need for advance planning and collaboration with web designers to establish an effective online presence. For web developers, it involves a balance of creative design and practical functionality, aiming to deliver quality within a reasonable time frame.

37. 48% of small businesses already have a mobile app

About a third of small businesses have already developed a mobile app to accompany their website.[2] This shows the growing importance of mobile access in today’s market. Having a mobile app can offer businesses an additional channel to reach and interact with their customers.

38. Almost half (48%) say the number one way they decide on the credibility of a business is determined by the web design

A significant portion of internet users, about 48%,[26] view web design as a crucial factor in determining the credibility of a business. The way a website looks can impact the first impression and overall perception of a company.

39. The average web designer salary is $63,842

The salary of a web designer can vary greatly depending on experience, location and the size of the company they work for. However, on average, web designers earn an annual salary of approximately $63,842. [23] It’s also worth noting that this figure can be higher for senior designers and those working at larger companies.

40. WordPress is the most popular CMS, housing 43% of the internet’s websites

WordPress, as a content management system, hosts 43% of the internet’s websites.[24] This figure signifies its widespread acceptance and its role in shaping the internet as we know it. Known for its adaptability, though not necessarily its ease of use, WordPress caters to various users, from individuals crafting personal blogs to corporations managing complex sites. Its popularity springs from the ability to customize through themes and plugins, allowing for a variety of website designs and functions.